Posted by Mad Mitch on  UTC 2017-02-14 20:01

The latest illustrator to tackle Kenneth Grahame's wonderful and classic children's book The Wind In The Willows (1908) is David Petersen. He has done an extremely good job. The book was and is perfect for childhood reading, or for reading with children. Petersen's 70(!) illustrations not only excite the imagination, the careful and imaginative detailing in the images offers lots of scope for discussion. A book to give, to use and to possess.

He has given a preview of his work on his website. Here are a few examples:

David Petersen, 'The Wind In The Willows', 2016.
David Petersen, 'The Wind In The Willows', 2016.
David Petersen, 'The Wind In The Willows', 2016.
David Petersen, 'The Wind In The Willows', 2016.
David Petersen, 'The Wind In The Willows', 2016.

On his website he not only provides large images of some of the completed illustrations, he also gives a fascinating insight into the stages in the development of the illustrations, many of them involving complex wooden models:

David Petersen, 'The Wind In The Willows', 2016.
David Petersen, 'The Wind In The Willows', 2016.
David Petersen, 'The Wind In The Willows', 2016.
David Petersen, 'The Wind In The Willows', 2016.
David Petersen, 'The Wind In The Willows', 2016.
David Petersen, 'The Wind In The Willows', 2016.
David Petersen, 'The Wind In The Willows', 2016.

H/t Muddy Colors (includes an interview with the artist).

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