Posted by Austin Morris on  UTC 2018-05-17 11:09 Updated on UTC 2018-05-17

In recent demonstrations more than 60 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli soldiers.

No. Let's try that again:

In recent demonstrations more than 60 Palestinians committed 'suicide by cop'.


Personal reason: they had been told they will become martyrs who died in battle at the hands of the enemy – the Islamic equivalent of the British posthumous Victoria Cross.

Political reason: they did it at the bidding of their Fatah/Hamas handlers, who are reading from the Marxist revolutionary cookbook: lose a few meaningless Lumpen in the interests of making the class enemy look as bad as possible. Don't arm them, either, you don't want your opponents hurt – why not just let them throw stones with slingshots, just so everyone gets the David and Goliath thing.

Since the 'historically inevitable' dialectical triumph of the proletariat never really comes along, the struggle, mindless slaughter and pointless sacrifice continue on a permanent basis. There is never an end because Marxists never compromise with anyone – hence Marxism's renowned internecine factionalism.

Ever since Yasser Arafat adopted the Marxist cookbook for the PLO's revolutionary struggle it has been the standard text for the Middle East troublemaker.

Marxists have not the slightest interest in helping the poor and downtrodden. If only a fraction of the trillions of dollars of aid money that have flowed over the last fifty years to the downtrodden Palestinians – and then promptly out into personal accounts in the world's banks – had been invested to lift them out of the misery imposed upon them by the Marxist need to keep them in poverty, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip would be like mini-Singapores by now. However, it is more photogenic to keep the inhabitants in refugee camps.

The Palestinians are indeed downtrodden. But not by the Israelis, by the Marxist gangsters who still stand on their necks after so long and who line their young men up for a turkey-shoot in the cause of the Marxist and Islamist paradises to come.

Update 17.05.2018

Colonel Richard Kemp is someone who knows whereof he speaks in military matters. His detailed analysis of the Gaza incidents is thus well worth reading.

Although he does not explicitly follow our line on the Marxist background to Palestinian actions, his conclusions are broadly complementary to ours. He also emphasises the real danger these 'demonstrators' posed in their sustained attempts to penetrate Israeli defences.

For example:

Following the use of rockets and attack tunnels, in three major Gaza conflicts (2008-2009, 2012 and 2014), as well as in other more isolated incidents, we now observe the use of a new tactic with the same fundamental purpose. This is the creation of large-scale 'demonstrations' combined with aggressive actions again intended to lure Israeli defensive action that leads to killing and wounding of Gaza civilians, despite strenuous IDF efforts to avoid such civilian casualties.

And finally, the key observation:

All of these false criticisms of Israeli action, as well as threats to initiate international investigations, to put Israel in front of the ICC and to invoke universal jurisdiction against Israeli officials involved in dealing with this situation, play into the hands of Hamas. They validate the use of human shields and Hamas's strategy of forcing the killing of their own civilians. The implications are wider than just for this conflict. As we have seen in earlier bouts of violence, similar international reactions, including unjust condemnation, causes more widespread use of such tactics and increases deaths among innocent civilians worldwide.

The only consolation is that Mattis gets it, as do Bolton, Trump and the people who voted for him.

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