Posted by Thersites on  UTC 2019-06-21 17:21

From the 'you can trust me I'm a scientist department' at MeteoSwiss comes a four and a half minute video in four languages explaining why the effects of 'climate change' are so much worse in Switzerland and why, therefore, the Swiss and the 'global community' need to adhere to the Paris Agreement and the temperature anomaly goal of 2°C.

The childishness of the video suggests that its target audience are the under-fives, or the Greta Tintin(!) Eleonora Ernman Thunberg school-strike generation (sixteen but dressed like an eight year-old), or it may suggest that the scientific brains at MeteoSwiss believe that five is the mental age of Swiss adult CAGW deniers. Probably all three.

Even the well-trained greenies who comment on the MeteoSwiss climate blog [DE], from whence this video originates, were a bit concerned about graphs with no y-axis numbers, penguins that live on the melting icefloes in the Arctic and a Swiss landscape that by the end of this century will look like a Saharan town. Never mind, all in a good cause. Here's the English language version:

It would be amusing if it weren't for the fact that public money has been spent on this junk. MeteoSwiss is the cuddly name for the Swiss Federal Office for Meteorology and Climatology.

In the first two thirds of the period starting with the current propaganda phrase 'pre-industrial era' human emissions of carbon dioxide would have had not the slightest effect. And if anyone believes that the non-binding Paris Agreement will change carbon dioxide emissions in the slightest – well, they are as bonkers as the people who think that penguins live on icefloes at the watery North Pole.

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