Posted by Thersites on  UTC 2019-09-11 11:27

The European Commission is planning to implement what is calls a 'European Green Deal'. It has appointed the Dutchman Frans Timmermans 'Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal'.

Timmermans' higher education was in French Language and Literature, with a later excursion into European Law. Since then he has worked his way up through Dutch-EU machine politics as a member of the Dutch Labour Party. He has now been put in charge of forcing through the economic and cultural destruction of Europe.

His appointment is business as usual for the Green Machine, so not worthy of further notice. At his appointment, The President-elect of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, gave him his tasks:

– In our first 100 days in office, you will propose the first European Climate Law to enshrine the 2050 climate-neutrality target into legislation.

– You will ensure the implementation of the legislative instruments on climate, namely the Emissions Trading System, the Effort Sharing Regulation and the regulation on land use, land-use change and forestry.

– I want you to focus on instilling a new climate culture in Europe. The umbrella for this should be a new European Climate Pact — bringing together regions, local communities, civil society, industry and schools. Together they will design and commit to a set of pledges to change behaviours across our society.

The 27 states of the EU will be legally bound to follow all these measures. On past form, any country with dealings with the EU will have to demonstrate conformance, too.

We shall see what the peasants of the EU think of this lunacy when their feudal masters start to 'change behaviours across our society'. By that time it will be too late for them to do anything about it except conform.

The only surprising part of this nonsense is the title the 'European Green Deal'.

US President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat) coined the term 'New Deal' for his package of state interventions in the 1930s. Whether Roosevelt's 'New Deal' actually improved anything or just made the Depression worse is still a topic for discussion today.

This year, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Democrat) announced a 'Green New Deal', explicitly alluding to the original 'New Deal'. Now we find that those haters of all things American, the European Union, has taken Ocasio-Cortez's title and bent it around a bit to form 'European Green Deal'.

We pedants fuss that the EU panjandrums have labelled their programme a 'deal', when it is clearly nothing to do with a 'deal' as any normal person understands it. The word deal makes it sound like collaboration between partners, when in fact it is anything but that. 'European Green Diktat', anyone?

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