Posted on  UTC 2019-12-01 02:01

13.12.2019 – Legitimacy restored

Thank goodness that's over with at last – the UK General Election, that is.

This website does not belong to the Boris™ fanclub at all, but out of a poor field he was probably the least worst. Let's wait and see what happens now.

Our sense of relief comes not from the victory of the Conservatives, but from the fact that Britain now has a parliament and a government that can at least claim some legitimacy.

The last dozen or so years have been a horrible muddle: the imperial handover of the sceptre from the little loved Blair to the even less loved Brown, the Cameron/Clegg coalition, the thin majority then handed from the ineffective Cameron to the totally useless May, who then threw away that little advantage and took the country on a journey through the Slough of Despond and the Swamp of Bafflement for two and a half long years.

Now, at last, there is a UK government with a reasonable majority – what are held to be 'normal' UK politics can be resumed. The curtains have been drawn back, the daylight, that sodden, grey British daylight, has driven the spectre of yet another impotent, hung parliament away, leaving us free to concentrate on collusion impeachment and the 2020 elections in the USA, the decline of the EU, Germany and Switzerland and the general insanity of the Western world. What a relief!

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