The greening of Boris™
Posted by Thersites on UTC 2020-03-08 14:20
There are currently a number of climate realists feeling betrayed by Boris Johnson's enthusiastic adoption of climate alarmism. They were foolishly led by previous mocking and sceptical articles he wrote to assume he meant what he said.
The surprise is that they are surprised. Consider the following indisputable facts:
Boris Johnson appears never in his adult life to have meant anything he said. On any subject. These utterances have always been just rhetorical bluster to get him over the next ten minutes.
Boris Johnson ultimately betrays everyone, whether women, wives, children, colleagues or principles. Correction: as far as principles are concerned, he cannot be said to have any.
As for his current 'Net Zero' enthusiasm, this arises from the tactical need for the 56-year-old to ingratiate himself with the 36-year-old woman onto whose finger he has just slipped an obscenely expensive rock. She works for an environmental activist agency. There is no other explanation.
He proposed to her on an obscenely expensive holiday in the West Indies over the New Year.
Parliament is still attempting to clarify the financial background to this holiday two months after the fact, since Johnson's own declaration turned out within hours to be a lie. We expect that in due course it will all be squared and some rich enabler will cover for him as usual.
We old-fashioned minds have given up trying to comprehend the probity of a person who, before his most recent divorce was finalised, became engaged to his current mistress and fathered with her his sixth(?) child. This is just the current state in a sequence of broken marriages, affairs, not to mention an abortion, a miscarriage and at least one illegitimate child.
Has there ever been a UK Prime Minister of such moral depravity? What does it say about our era that we have such a creature now?
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