Posted on  UTC 2024-06-18 02:01 Updated on UTC 2024-06-26

The other day Paul Homewood, the indefatigable battler for climate change realism and sane energy policies, published an article in response to a hit piece the BBC's 'climate disinformation reporter', Marco Silva, had written about a Kenyan 'climate change denier'.

The farmer, Mr Machogu, had been forcefully and fearlessly putting the case against the climate change racket from the viewpoint of the developing world and his eloquence gained him a substantial following on X/Twitter. Clearly, this denier needed to be put in his place.


Image: JusperMachogu

The BBC's piece was based on the usual collection of activist falsehoods, seasoned with offensive sneering, playing the man, not the ball. Here's a taste:

At first glance, the 29-year-old Mr Machogu is just a young farmer with a knack for social media. … While farming content may get him clicks, likes, and retweets, it is Mr Machogu’s denial of man-made climate change that has helped supercharge his online profile. Since he began posting debunked theories about climate change, he has received thousands of dollars in donations – some of which came from individuals in Western countries linked to fossil-fuel interests. …

Scientists have proven that the Earth is heating up because of greenhouse gases that are emitted into the atmosphere when we burn fossil fuels – like oil, gas, or coal. But Mr Machogu disagrees. “Climate change is mostly natural. A warmer climate is good for life,” Mr Machogu wrongly claimed in a tweet posted in February, along with the hashtag #ClimateScam (which he has used hundreds of times).

The BBC's 'climate disinformation reporter' is just warming up for the long rant which follows. About this rant Homewood remarks that it is

full of BBC disinformation. I would not even bother reading it – it’s the sort of juvenile rubbish a Sixth Former would write. In particular it investigates the tiny amount of money Mr Machogu has managed to raise.

Mr Machogu responded on X to Silva's hit piece with devastating arguments, among them:

An av African consumes less electricity than an American refrigerator i.e. In a month, my family of 6 consumes ~14 kWh compared to 45 kWh for the fridge or 1200 kWh for the American. Africa has 17% of [world] pop but consumes 5% of [world] ⚡.

Describing the BBC's attitude as 'eco-colonialism', Homewood adds some information that climate activists would prefer you not to know:

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Update 26.06.20024

The current violent unrest in Kenya over the government's imposition of drastic price increases, nominally for some vague environmental benefits, adds some background to farmer Machogu's campaign against the eco-obsessives.

Readers with long memories may recall the violent unrest in Sri Lanka a few years ago, triggered by a famine that was the direct consequence of crazed environmental policies.

The question is: how much pain can people in the once prosperous countries of the West accept before they rise up and deal with the persecutors who are taking their prosperity away, step by step?

So far a few farmers in Germany, The Netherlands and France have made a bit of a nuisance of themselves. The eco-nuts in Western governments are gambling on the bovine patience and obedience of the great majority to get them through. When the NetZero nonsense really starts to bite in a year or two we shall start to see how far bovine patience can be stretched. My guess is that the people of Germany will kick off, its industrial base and energy security comprehensively wrecked in the cause of the new Neolithic lifestyle. 'We shall have to see what happens'.

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