Posted on  UTC 2024-12-01 02:01

22.12.2024 – Hors de combat

I have had to neglect this website for the last three months. A virus affected my sense of balance, my spatial perception, my eyesight and my hearing. I entered the tunnel during a goldener Oktober and have now emerged on the verge of a White Christmas, with eyesight substantially restored and able a walk around without immediately falling over or vomiting.

The first half of my treatment was in a Swiss hospital. I give thanks to Big Pharma and modern medicine for getting me through that dark tunnel.

The second half of my treatment was in a physical rehabilitation clinic. Observing other patients battling on with quiet determination, most with afflictions far worse than mine, put a stop to my wimpish grumbling.

As for the future of this website, I have a lengthy project still only half finished gnawing at my conscience. I would like to open the New Year by getting that finally to pixel. After that, we shall see…

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